I worked on K/DA campaign this year. The style is very different from my own, it became a huge challenge for me, but I got great support from my team, will not finish this if without them. Great thanks to LA team also, they did a lot of paintover for us and lead an awesome direction to make this great event happened.
Can watch the cool video on the youtube League of Legends channel or visit @KDA_MUSIC Twitter.
Based on the concepts done by Jason Chan
Ahri: Shawn Ignatius Tan https://www.artstation.com/muju
Evelynn: Budi Whteper https://www.artstation.com/b03di
Akali: Pukun Wang https://www.artstation.com/wang_pukun
Kaisa: Kan Liu, Shawn Ignatius Tan, Budi Whteper, Pukun Wang
Art Direction:
Max Zhang https://cargocollective.com/maxzhang
Jason Chan https://www.artstation.com/jasonchan
Mo Yan https://www.artstation.com/inkman
Patrick Morales